Pharmacy Resource Guide – Section 7

     Maintenance medications

To view the list of covered medications; how to read your prescription drug formulary

Maintenance medications, those used to treat chronic health conditions, must be filled by the health system pharmacy to receive coverage. If you fill a maintenance medication outside the health system pharmacy, including an in-network pharmacy, you will pay the full cost of the medication. This amount will not apply toward your deductible or out-of-pocket maximum.

To see if your medication falls into this category, please review the maintenance drug list. Some maintenance medications used for chronic conditions or to lower the risk of developing a chronic condition are included on the list of preventive drugs. If you are on the HSA Advantage Plan, you pay the copay listed for the Signature Plan for medications on the preventive drug list, which is typically lower than the deductible plus coinsurance.

Signature Plan members can fill a three-month supply of their medications, when applicable, for the same cost as two months. Save by asking your provider to issue prescriptions for at least a 90-day supply.

HSA Advantage Plan*

Signature Plan

Medication Type

Health system pharmacy

In-network pharmacy 

Health system pharmacy

In-network pharmacy

Maintenance prescriptions

Up to a 102 DAY SUPPLY

at in-network

Up to a 34


at in-network

Generic / Tier 1

(after deductible)^^



Preferred brand / Tier 2



Nonpreferred brand / Tier 3



*Certain medications used for chronic conditions or risk reduction are included in the preventive drug list. HSA Advantage Plan members will pay Signature Plan copays for
medications on this list. These copays will not apply to the HSA Advantage Plan deductible but will apply to the out-of-pocket maximum.
^^ HSA Advantage Plan members will pay 100% until their deductible is met, then pay the indicated percentage coinsurance until their out-of-pocket maximum is reached.

Free delivery service

As of June 1, 2024, maintenance medications must be delivered. Learn more about the health system pharmacy’s free delivery service for maintenance medications.