Providers and facilities not included in the network of your plan, resulting in higher cost to you.
A message from Julie Celano and Tammy Peterman
Dear health system employee,
Our formula for success starts with you. You provide direct care for patients, providing the highest quality of care and service. You are responding to a phone call or email, making sure patients can see our providers, understand their bills, and access their medical records. You work behind the scenes, operating our systems and processes, supporting those caring for patients. You have always demonstrated a remarkable commitment to our patients and their families, but your care and service during the pandemic has been unparalleled. We are grateful for everything you do.
We design these benefits with thoughtful intent to help you take care of yourself and your family. We work to provide competitive, cost-effective benefits to support your physical and mental health, while keeping your share of the cost affordable.
Please invest in yourself by taking time to research your benefits options. You will find planning tools, informational resources, and access to help from our benefits team in one convenient portal, Benefits Connection, at
Thank you for all you do to support our patients, our community and each other.
Be well,