Short-term disability

In the event of a short-term disability (STD), you have financial protection. Our policy provides you with a percentage of your weekly income while you are out of work following a non-work-related accident, pregnancy or illness for up to 6 months. The health system offers two options for this type of coverage: a basic plan paid for completely by the health system and an increased benefit (buy-up plan) that’s paid by both you and the health system.

Existing employees must provide evidence of insurability to select the buy-up STD option if they did not elect it during their initial eligibility period. A pre-existing condition, including pregnancy, could result in a denial for the buy-up benefit. The buy-up benefit does not require EOI during your initial eligibility period. NOTE: Employees must maintain 0.5 FTE for 6 months prior to being eligible for short-term disability benefits.

  Basic Short-Term Disability Buy-Up Short-Term Disability
Benefit Percentage 40% of weekly base earnings* 66 23% of weekly base earnings*
Maximum Weekly Benefit Up to $1,500 Up to $2,500
Employee Cost $0 Premium based on weekly earnings. Go to for your cost.

*Taxed when paid to employee (applies to first 40% of buy-up option as well).

Long-term disability

In the event of a long-term covered injury or illness, the health system provides long-term disability (LTD) at no cost to you. The LTD policy pays a monthly benefit for eligible employees, providing income protection after 6 months of a covered short-term disability.

  Long-Term Disability
Benefit Percentage 60% of base earnings**
Maximum Monthly Benefit $15,000

**Taxed when paid to employee.